2019 AID Summer
2018 父母感言 (Words from Parents) >> Atlanta
# Center
1 Atlanta
2 Boston
3 Chicago
4 Denver
5 Houston
6 Los Angeles
7 Maryland
8 Miami
9 New York
10 Orange
11 Seattle
12 SF-Milpitas
13 Toronto
14 Vancouver
5178: 洪佳音 ; Author: 周杏宜

非常感謝台灣僑委會提供一個讓台裔青少年切身體驗台灣、又能夠對台灣學子貢獻一份力 量的機會。今年的英語營是我女兒第一次獨自旅行到台灣、獨自解決問題、也增加了獨自與不會說英語的台灣人‘交鋒’的好機會(事實上她因此而學了不少台語,讚!)。

主辦單位從接機到報到的過程安排都非常的妥當,唯一美中不足的,是我女兒報到後的第二天就有東西遺失。我知道這是無法控制的事,我女兒後來雖也不再追究,但若在安全考 量上能加強,自是感激。 中 對於她所服務的台中立新國中,我要特別感謝周校長給予這群中文不太通的團隊很大的支 持與照顧。更希望這些英語教學能多少帶給台灣的孩子們不一樣的學習外語樂趣。

5181: 宋翔悦 ; Author: Li Wen Liang

My daughter has participated in the AID Volunteer Program, this summer, 2018.
We greatly appreciate our government with this magnificent policy.
It is really a great opportunity for young people, like my daughter to go back and see our nation.
My daughter has experienced in teaching for younger kids, and also has learned culture environment, and people’s lifestyles of Taiwan.
Based on this trip, in the future, after her graduation from colleges, she will decide if she wants
to go back and work in Taiwan.

To the best of our knowledge from her during this program, our suggestions will be listed below:
1. If it is possible, the AID program can let each volunteer know earlier that which school will be assigned and which grade of students will be taught, because volunteers can have more time for preparing with different methods and tools to attract students’ attention, such as very younger kids by using some computerized tool fun games to learn English.
2. If it is possible, the AID program doesn’t need to take the volunteers on the trip for visiting too many places, just needs to choose some typical locations which are necessary, because volunteers are tired and do not have enough time to enjoy some impressive viewpoints.
3. If it is possible, the AID program can let each volunteer has an option to buy AID T-shirt by herself, because in summer, it is very hot in Taiwan, therefore she needs to replace T-shirt very often and has no enough time to wash and dry it.

5186: 侯念雲 ; Author: 侯宏典

I wanted to sincerely thank you and the organization for this wonderful teaching program in Taiwan. This was my daughter’s first extended trip to Taiwan and she had one of the best experiences in her life. The program was well organized and the children were well taken care of. The people in Taiwan supporting the children were wonderful. My daughter has nothing but praises with the local school officials and the organizers. As parents, we really appreciated all the daily/weekly photos that were uploaded to the website to keep us informed of their schedule/activities. It was obvious to us that the kids had a great time interacting with the young children at the school. And the learning was not just with the young kids at school, but also with all the teachers. I know the social skills that my daughter developed over the summer will benefit her in the long run. Furthermore, the friendship she made with the wonder kids in the program will last long after this program.

I don’t have any hesitation on recommending this program to anyone who is interested in attending. It is a wonderful program.
Thank you,
Grand Hou (Brianna Hou)

5187: 簡薇芯 ; Author: 簡薇芯(Fliona Lin)


學員家長:Fiona Lin

5188: 錢美婷 ; Author: 章毓璐

My daughter attended the AID 2018 summer program. When she returned, I immediately noticed that she looked more mature. As I asked her how her four weeks at AID went, she described not just a volunteering experience, but a period of time that sparked a newfound maturation and independence in her character. She learned many vital skills such as teamwork, time management, and patience through training and lesson planning. When she was at Dapi Elementary in Yunlin, she gained confidence as an authoritative figure in the classroom. She also became the "sister" of her students, as they called her. One of the most significant parts of AID was the bonds that my daughter created with her work mates. She had the chance to meet hundreds of people from around the world and as of today, they are still in touch. I believe AID was a special experience that marks an unforgettable event in my daughter's life.
5191: 洪慈心 ; Author: 黃美玉

2018 年 英語服務營 家長感言

我寶貝女兒 – 洪慈心 長大了! 時間的轉盤,像是一霎那轉到她可以去參加回台灣教英語的服務營。在我還沒來得及適應她有足夠年紀去教書時,她已經用自信滿滿的歸來站在我面前,展示給我看她與她學生的照片,和一些小朋友的感謝卡;看著她興奮地描述,我也被她的喜悅所感染。除此之外她也能清楚地訴說台灣的景點如:日月潭、九族文化村…,吃的方面有各式好吃的素食、喝的有珍珠奶茶、仙草..、住的飯店…等等。從她的敘述中,能深切感受參加英語服務營,讓她這個暑假既充實又豐富;更讓她在上大學前先體驗離家,自己照顧自己的真實感,顯然她已經證明給我們看,她真的長大了! 很感謝僑委會舉辦英語服務營,讓我女兒有學習和展現自己的機會。我相信這一個月的學習,在她的成長歲月裡,留下很美好的回憶。
1. 活動因為在暑期,回台機票價位高,如果能可以提前點通知入取結果,將便於能早點訂票。
2. 活動可否分梯次,集中一次人數太多,造成活動等待時間,耗時太久。
3. 對已經通知參與的學生,可以在當地先辦一堂基本說明會,讓他們暖身,也較能進入狀況,回台訓練時,才能事半功倍。


5192: 閻明潔 ; Author: 閻美娜

僑委會"英語服務營"一直是台灣僑胞年輕下一代, 認識自己鄉土,所嚮往的活動, 非常感謝僑委會今年增加許多學員名额, 讓更多愛家郷、有認同的年輕人一個回台灣服務的機會。

特別謝謝亞特蘭大文化中心的全力協助,從報名資料填寫、到旅遊護照的細心叮嚀。指導學員按步就班,讓家長更加的放心。在活動結束後, 看到自己小孩平安歸來, 有一個難忘的旅程和人生經驗。讓身為家長的我要更加向僑委會和協助學校單位,以及所有熱心辛苦的工作人員致最大的謝意。

學員家長 閻美娜
5195: 方先安 ; Author: 趙繼新

5197: 張子璇 ; Author: 趙繼平

Thanks for asking parent advice to improve camps in the future.

Overall, my daughter had a unique and wonderful experience through this year camp. She learnt a lot, from teaching, living and cultures, etc. It boosts her broader visions of the different worlds and gets to know better of Chinese traditions and cultures, she made a lot of new friends as well by this camp.

The current application and selection process is good for the program. My daughter was pleased with the standards. The only thing she complained was the service when emergency happens like she has this year. On the last day she was dropped at the airport, but all flights cancelled due to storms in Japan (her transfer flight), she couldn't find any assistance and she and many others forced to stay 24 hours at the airport. If there would be any kind of helps provided via the camp, it could relieve a lot of stresses for the camper since the storm forecast was informed earlier before they headed to the airport.

Anyway, she is very grateful to have the opportunity to serve and enjoy the stay with younger kids in Taiwan.

Best Regards,

5199: 吳佳佳 ; Author: 張瓊霞

For all the planners of this program, here is the words from my daughter about this trip, and I think it’s also represented my responses.

AID has been a wonderful experience for me. I learned so much about Taiwan's culture and people. I have nothing to complain about the accommodations at the school or at the activity center where we learned how to teach children. Although the weather was a little bit too humid to be comfortable, I am grateful for the opportunity to volunteer and help kids. I had so much fun making new friends, meeting new people, and trying delicious foods. The tour week that followed the teaching weeks was equally as fun, though I wish the schedule was not too full. I would get very little sleep, because of the full schedule of travelling. I know that it must be very hard to organize trips for such a huge group and rush them places to stay on schedule. But I feel that our week would be more fun if each group went to fewer places and stayed at each place longer. Most of the places we went, we only stayed there for a very short time. If we were able to stay at one place longer, we could fully enjoy the place and take our time shopping or looking around. I especially enjoyed shopping around the old streets and going to the night markets. I was a little disappointed that we could not go into any body of water or pool, even though the luggage list on the website suggested volunteers being their swimsuits. Overall I think this program was great and it should continue doing such an awesome job.

5559: ; Author: Keiko and Tim Gauvin

Our child, Arisa Gauvin, attended the “ 2018 English Teaching-Program in Taiwan," and she loved her experience as a volunteer teacher. Her school, Ren-Ai Elementary School, had a well-established Facebook account in which pictures of the volunteers would be uploaded frequently, putting our minds at ease as we knew that she was safe and doing well.

As parents, we were worried that her beginner level of Chinese would become a problem; however, the amazing support and assistance she got from her surrounding peers and the teacher were incredible as Arisa explained that she did not run into that many conflicts. We believe that her experience in Taiwan was solely beneficial, making her grow as a person and leading her into becoming an adult. We thank the Overseas Community Affairs Council for allowing our child to have such a wonderful experience filled with unforgettable memories, and we hope you continue your efforts to spread
knowledge and joy to others.
Sincerely, Keiko Gauvin and Tim Gauvin