2015 父母感言 (Words from Parents) >> Chicago
# Center
1 Atlanta
2 Chicago
3 Houston
4 Kansas
5 Los Angeles
6 Maryland
7 Miami
8 New York
9 Orange
10 Seattle
11 SF Bay, Sunnyvale
12 Toronto
13 Vancouver
1362: 黃尚 ; Author: 潘蓮娜


1365: 張杰瑞 ; Author: Tsai-Hui Chang-Sawye





1369: 李蓓佳 ; Author: Liao Ya Fen




1371: 徐康瑋 ; Author: Sidney Hsu

An unexpected journey in Taiwan
Maybe my wife and I were a little paranoid to admit that Taiwan, our home country, the one we tried so hard over the years to build connection for our children, has magical power. The journey did not start on July 3rd, the day Michael arrived in Taiwan, but started a few months before that.
We learned about AID Volunteer Program through acquaintances and we also learned how competitive the application can be. We hesitated first. We finally decided to give it a try thanks to the detailed explanation of the process and tireless motivation from Coco, who served the committee that processed the application.
“All American Chinese students from Taiwan are over achievers” so they said. We were worried about Michael’s credentials and achievements, even though very high within his peers, but not enough to compete with the elite group. We didn’t give up and apply we did.
“He got it!” as my wife shouted to my ear with joy, my brain started to process a million things and my mind were somewhere around Taoyuan airport. I was worried and my wife were worse. Every day since then we would talk a little bit to Michael about how he should do to survive in Taiwan and what he should do to make a the trip safe. A lot of worry for nothing. Things just worked out by themselves.
As we saw Michael off at the O’hare airport, thousands of worries turn into millions of wishes and prayers hoping to fill his backpack to spill. He was on the way to a wonderful, independent, and, did I mention first-time, journey.
The program was designed flawlessly with one week of training, adjusting, and socializing; followed by 2 weeks of real teaching, planning, and helping; followed by an educational tour for them to understand what their home country is. We could not be happier as both of us travelled back to Taiwan towards the end their program to meet him knowing that his experiences were nothing but a positive, productive, and happy one.
Michael had been sending pictures, videos, Facebook updates, text messages, and other technological innovation to us to make sure we share his experiences as he took on his own responsibilities. Did I say responsibilities, the plural? Yes, this is 10 times as much works than before that he had to make a decision or choice on his own. Many of the Chinese family should realize our concerns and feel our pains. At the end it was surprisingly good and he survived!
Countless and positive changes happened to Michael as he concludes his assignment in tears, waving goodbye after goodbye, sharing hugs after hugs. His words to us were silent appreciations and acknowledgement of our good parenting. His emotions were re-enforcement of his kindness. His actions after the trip demonstrated a tremendous amount of positive growth in his still young teenager’s life.
I thank the organization of AID for this opportunity presented to us, a typical Chinese American family from Taiwan, so that we can provide Michael a safe, exciting, and educational experience. Not only does he mature faster than we expected, but also was he able to make a lot of friends. Friends, according to him, will last a life time.

1378: 劉宇歡 ; Author: Liu Lin

When I first heard about the AID Program I thought it would be a very eye-opening experience for my daughter (Jessalyn Liu, 劉宇歡) and was very interested in it. When I told my daughter about it, she was very excited for the opportunity because she has always loved kids and being able to help people was one of her passions. Upon arriving at Chientan for the first time, there was an overwhelming amount of students and although I was very nervous to leave her in Taiwan alone for over a month, I knew she would benefit from this experience. Thankfully during the first week while she was at Chientan, I was able to visit her once before I returned back to America.

During the actual teaching program, Jessalyn was always very busy and occupied teaching her students so communication was limited. However, based on the pictures she took and stories she told me when she got home, it was clear to me that she had a lot of fun and loved the school and students she taught. She told me it was very difficult to leave her students and that she couldn't wait to go and visit them again. Although AID is primarily about teaching and helping students in the rural parts of Taiwan, another big part that Jessalyn was looking forward to was tour week. During this tour, Jessalyn got to see places of Taiwan that we had not been to before and it was a great way to relax and explore Taiwan after such a rigorous two teaching weeks.

After Jessalyn came back from AID, it was apparent that something was different about her demeanor. She came back more culturally aware of Taiwan, more grateful for her current lifestyle, more responsible for herself, and with more Taiwanese phrases! I think one of the things she values the most that came from AID was the abundance of friends that she made on the trip. AID created many strong relationships for Jessalyn that will hopefully last a lifetime, and memories that will do so as well.

I strongly recommend AID for any prospective volunteers and parents and I wish she had the opportunity to do it again. AID is very character building and forms very great memories and it would be unbecoming not to thank OCAC, the Republic of China (Taiwan), Council of Hakka and the Ministry of Education for this wonderful opportunity. Thank you so much!

1383: 李瑞佳 ; Author: Liao Ya Fen




1543: 吳育萱 ; Author: Joyce Wu

家長 (Joyce Wu) 感言:

女兒是家中唯一的小孩, 也是公公唯一的內孫. 從小, 備受娘家婆家的寵愛, 雖然乖巧, 可是不免視很多事, 為理所當然, 讓我常常想讓她去外面見識見識, 甚至想送她去印度體驗一下 …! 可是苦於找不到一個能使我放心的單位.

參加海外華裔青年英語服務營, 是台灣政府辦的活動. 不但能讓她多了解這個父母出生成長的地方, 也能讓她多認同台灣中國人的文化, 特別是客家文化, 更能讓她有服務的機會, 所以, 我覺得這是一個很好的機會, 讓她獨立成長.

高中這個年紀, 已經不是能讓我們父母左右她思想的時候了. 從她初次的抗拒參加, 到可以考慮, 到很積極的準備,甚至到最後很大的期待, 我還真是花了不少時間勸誘, 也適時幫她看看申請的文件, 那裡須要加強. 在這, 特別要謝謝 文教中心, Co Co 小姐, 的協助. 給我一些建議, 和準備的方向. 有了這個準備的經驗, 女兒現在申請大學, 剛好派上用場.

這是女兒第一次離開我的視線一個月. 我陪先生去亞洲出差, 只有剛報到第一週去看過她一次. (因為聽說報到處出狀況, 怕她心情受很大影響.) 還好, 所有的參加者, 看起來沒受到影響. (後來才知, 是其它的營隊出事, 不是他們這營隊.) 他們似乎對這個活動都非常興奮, 充滿期待. 我就很放心了.
整整一個月, 女兒很少跟我們聯繫. 我有點不習慣, 但想想她就要上大學了, 就把它當成是練習的開始. 我們偶爾Line 給她, 她有空才回一下. 幾乎沒有主動跟我們聯絡過. 我還跟老公說: 這些小孩是”樂不思蜀”了嗎? 都不要爸媽了?

雖然行程上有給家長大概的時間表, 我也沒詳細追蹤. 就大膽的交給主辦單位吧! 中期後, 女兒連Line 都是半夜才回. 我以為她在混啥? 聊天聊這樣久嗎? 她拍了幾張照片給我看: 她們準備教材到半夜的奮戰情況. 說她們忙得不可開交, 連睡覺時間都不多. 我看了, 莞爾…!

回家後, 她非常得意自己能上台獨立教學. (雖然她在中文學校當過一年助教, 有一點教學經驗. 也到中小學tutor 過小提琴, 可是沒有對一大群學生教學經驗.) 還跟我說: 媽媽, 我沒有電腦喲! 完全是用 ” 手動” 來製作我的教材, 所以很花時間啊! 不像妳, 要使用電腦做大部份的教材. 當然, 她也意識到, 其實老師, 還真不好當. 她說這些小學生, 很熱情, 可是太皮了!
最讓女兒震驚的是: “這些偏遠地區,國小三四年級的學生臉上, 似乎看不到他們生活的辛苦. “ 女兒說, 幾乎多是單親家庭. 甚至於, 有的媽媽離家, 爸爸自殺. 她說, 她無法想像這些小孩怎樣熬過來那段苦日子? 是天真, 讓他們忘記痛苦嗎? 還是, 他們生命裡被配迫鍛鍊出來的韌性呢? 她說: 他們真的很堅強!

當然, 最高興的是最後一周, 和其它參與者們, 一起對台灣的認識. 她覺得這個服務的活動太棒, 太有意義了! 問我: 明年可不可以再參加一次? 我說: 這樣棒的活動, 聽說只能參加一次! 因為要把這種好機會, 讓他人也能參與!
