2015 父母感言 (Words from Parents) >> Kansas
# Center
1 Atlanta
2 Chicago
3 Houston
4 Kansas
5 Los Angeles
6 Maryland
7 Miami
8 New York
9 Orange
10 Seattle
11 SF Bay, Sunnyvale
12 Toronto
13 Vancouver
1151: 辛書樂 ; Author: Wen Hsin

To whom it may concern,
I would like to thank the Overseas Community Affairs Council, the Ministry of
Education, and the Taipei Hakka Affairs Commission for giving my daughter an opportunity to
participate in the 2015 Overseas Youth English Teaching Volunteer Service Program. I also
would like to thank the teachers and supervisors at the Ba Li Primary School (芭里國小) for
providing a very welcoming environment for the young volunteer teachers to thrive and grow.
My daughter enjoyed teaching and making friends with the students and the teachers in
the elementary school. She was able to work with other fellow volunteer teachers to come up
with a teaching plan that worked well with the students. She also enjoyed making friends with
the other volunteer teachers like her. Furthermore, living and travelling in Taiwan gave her a
wonderful and memorable culture experience.
Back home, she continues to serve as a teaching assistant at the Chinese School of the
Greater Kansas City in Missouri, USA. She stays in touch with the friends that she made in
Taiwan. She also shares her summer teaching experience with her sister and her American
friends. As a result, her sister also hopes to participate in the program in the future, and a mother
of her American friend wanted to know how she got into the program.
Overall, my daughter can now comprehend better the culture differences between
America and Taiwan, and exhibit a greater appreciation of other culture. She hopes to visit
Taiwan, particularly Ba Li Primary School where she taught over the summer, in the future.
Thank you very much for such a wonderful opportunity.
Wen Hsin
September 12, 2015
1152: 趙芷萱 ; Author: Chin Chin Fan

非常感恩僑委會及堪薩斯辦事處,提供僑胞子弟這個難能可貴的機會,讓我的女兒芷萱, 在她的高中生涯結束前,能夠回到久違的台灣,更深一層的了解台灣的風土民情。並藉由參與營隊的機會培養領導能力、團隊合作的精神、及多方位人際溝通的技巧。藉由英語服務下鄉教學,也讓她能進一步的將自己所長回饋鄉里,並得到自我的肯定。這些寶貴的收穫,實非參加一般的營隊所能獲得的。

Chin-Chin Fan
Fort Collins, Colorado

1153: 鍾惟安 ; Author: Hui Mei Kuo

哇! 是一個多麼奇妙的旅程,讓鍾惟安(我的女兒) 在旅居國外多年後,能在回到她小小時曾經成長的故鄉, 並品賞了家鄉味與那國外少有的台灣濃厚人情味,參加了今年僑委會所舉辦的海外華裔青年英語服務營
在這月餘時間 惟安成長為一個更獨立且能與同儕團隊合作的青年了。特別要感謝新北市深坑和平國小校長和老師們的協助和照顧,也要感謝那些純真的小朋友和家長們的熱情款待,讓惟安念念不忘,特此由衷的感謝! 所有工作人員的辛勞,讓此活動都如此的順利和圓滿。所以也會讓我的兒子申請僑委會舉辦於明年暑假的活動 讓他也能有機會同惟安有美好的經驗成長和茁壯。

1516: 徐聖芳 ; Author: Sophia Chen

1517: 郭祐寧 ; Author: Maya Lynn



到台灣後,一個她應該熟悉但事實上十分陌生的地方,所以她接觸到的同學,老師及工作人員都十分的耐心來幫助她。台灣最美的是人,所以我們不意外。在家受到百般呵護的她,因為工作人員的辛勞,讓她輕易的承受下來。對所有相關的工作人員,不管在台灣,美國,六龜,美濃或任何地方,我們要至上最高的敬意及感謝。 謝謝你/妳們。


