2015 父母感言 (Words from Parents) >> New York
# Center
1 Atlanta
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8 New York
9 Orange
10 Seattle
11 SF Bay, Sunnyvale
12 Toronto
13 Vancouver
1240: 趙安瑜 ; Author: 賀筱岳

After completing the Aid program this summer, I left feeling like I was a part of something special---not many people get the opportunity to teach in such a beautiful location-right by the ocean of the Taidong Dawu Junior High School and get the chance to teach kids that are all so charming, vibrant and talented.
During our two weeks together I saw that almost everyone had the natural talent of either singing and/or dancing! My own “kids” choreographed their closing ceremony routine dance from start to finish all by themselves. Not only were they talented, but also dedicated to learning and so respectful. When the kids couldn’t understand a word we were trying to teach, we’d work together through explaining in Mandarin and context clues to get the correct meaning, then they’d write down the vocabulary in both Mandarin and English.
I’m not usually the type to get emotional, but on the last day I was with my kids and we were all saying our goodbyes, the whole time I felt as if our time together was too short. We were all starting to get comfortable with each other, them learning English and even I got taught by them too---picking up words like “masalu” haha, it means “thank you” in their native aboriginal language and getting to know the countryside better.
I’ve visited Taiwan before, but all the times I’ve visited before, I never got the opportunity to explore the really rural areas that not many people visit. It was so exciting for me personally, because I enjoy a slower pace of life, even though I grew up living in the metropolitan area of New York City. So living out in the country, and seeing a different side of Taiwan was a great learning experience. If I have chance to travel to Taiwan, I’d like to visit the beautiful city of Taidong again!

1274: 蔡岳廷 ; Author: Chih Yang Tsai

My son participated in the 2015 Overseas Youth English Teaching Volunteer Service Program in Taiwan (AID Volunteer Program). It has been a life changing experience for him and I would highly recommend this program to any future students and their parents based on my son’s experience.
The program was well organized from the beginning to the end. The two weeks at the local school gave my son a chance to meet people living under a very different social and economic environment. He treasured the time spent with those young children despite the scorching heat and mosquito bites. The camaraderie developed during those two weeks among the AID team members was also incredible. They kept in touch after the program both in Taipei and when they are back to the United States. The hospitality of the hosts at Dapu, Chiayi made them felt so welcome and eliminated the uneasiness of being in an unfamiliar environment with a certain degree of language barrier.
We live in a rural area with very few Asian Americans. This trip allowed my son to meet people sharing the same cultural heritage from all over the world. It gave him a chance to explore his parents’ motherland in the absence of the parents. We owe everyone who made this program possible a big thanks.

1302: 易世文 ; Author: 陳學珍

每年一到三丶四月時我們就開始絞盡腦汁為兒子安排暑假活動,今年兒子自己有個很明確的目標,要爭取參加2015 海外華裔青年英語服務, 聽朋友説要參加這個活動也是要經過篩選的,想想能報上參加這個活動的孩子,應該都是符合主辦單位的條件要求、篩選過的,也就放心的樂觀其成。
一開始其實心裡有點擔心個性有點靦腆又還是個大孩子的兒子,怎樣在4個禮拜內融入數百人的大團體,還得帶一班小孩學英文呢?結果完全是我多慮了,原來孩子們早在出發前就經由指導老師的主導在Facebook 上結緣了。一踏進劍潭報到大廳,一群群的孩子們就像找到失散多年的老友一樣開心,聊開了起來。
接下來的4個禮拜,孩子遵守我們的約定,每天用晚上短短僅有的一點WIFI 時間傳Line、照片丶訊息給我。從士林夜市,雲林東興國小,上課教學,下課和孩子們玩丶打球… 我在張張的像片中找到兒子臉上開朗的笑容,及散發出來的自信心。平時不愛照相的,也一張々隨着朋友擺姿勢;平時連自己都照顧不好的,也會擁着一堆孩子呵䕶;平時最不愛上台說話的,也自在的站在黑板前對著一群孩子們說話⋯ 幾次短短的通話中,也感受到兒子放開了內心的束縛,快速的蛻變丶成長了。禁不住懷疑,這些指導老師們手上是否有隻哈利波特的魔法棒呢?非常感謝雲林東興國小的校長主任及老師提供舒適的住處及熱忱的照顧。短短的時間裡,讓這些青少年學到了獨立自主,也經由面對着一群小小孩的天真,激發了愛與付出的本性,及隨成長而來的自律與責任感。
從臺灣回来以后,兒子貼了一張大大的臺灣地圖在房門口,感受到他以身為臺灣子女的光彩,提起臺灣,他眉飛色舞。身邊的朋友一個個驚訝的告訴我:"你們兒子變了,以前老是板着一張臉不說話,現在滿臉笑容,話也多,有自信了。" 誰説只有參加活動的孩子有收穫?作父母的我們看在眼裡比中了獎還來得高興。感謝僑委會年年為了我們下一代辛苦擧辦這些活動,為這些在英語系國家成長的孩子,提供一個不一樣的心智成長並認識自己文化的機會,雖然只有短短幾週,但在他們未來的人生階段中,却可能產生不可磨滅的影響。

1532: 陳人華 ; Author: 陳文正/林苗維


1533: 張嫚麗 ; Author: 李錦容


始自志工們的招募、劍潭活動中心的報到、圑康活動、敎學訓練,終至志工們的分發、文化交流及環島旅行的安排等等, 過程中,我們深信其中,必定投入了眾多的人力與時間。更感受到了您們的用心。



1535: 沈孔翔 ; Author: 沈師德

我的孩子Daniel Shen今年參加僑務委員會、教育部及客家委員會合辦的「2015年海外華裔青年英語服務營」,Daniel經過一個月的活動下來,不僅與小朋友互動良好,增加中文語言能力、適應團体生活的能力、獨立性,結交到很多朋友,同時更進一步了解台灣文化及生活習慣。感謝僑委會每年都辦這樣有意義的活動,希望未來考慮將辦理時間加長一點。